Postings from the interface of science and culture
Friday, April 18, 2014
Whatever happened to beautiful instruments?
Have scientific instruments lost their soul? In preparing a schools talk for next week on beautiful experiments, I have been perusing the images online at the very fabulous Museo Galileo in Florence, where I once spent a very happy afternoon. Here are just a few of the very lovely instruments and apparatus that scientists used to use, which are far more beautiful than they really had any call to be. These days scientists have to make do with stuff like this:
which no doubt does the job, but does it inspire you? Below is what I’d like to see return – not the devices themselves, but the spirit in which they were made. Why shouldn’t labs be beautiful?
I agree. The instruments of this century are just devices without souls. They do the job, but don't let you feel close to itself. That astrolabe in the 5th photo is amazing.
I suggest a compromise: going back to 1980's style and put wooden paneling on everything.
The curves on instruments are always beautiful.
I agree. The instruments of this century are just devices without souls. They do the job, but don't let you feel close to itself. That astrolabe in the 5th photo is amazing.
All the beautiful instruments are in my lab!
All the beautiful instruments are in my lab!
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